Parent Involvement
Parents are an integral part of our school’s success. Parents help to make the BECC the best that it can be!
Please check out the “We Need Your Help!” bulletin board in our lobby. This regularly-updated board is a list of ways that you can help support our school and provide your child with the best experience possible.
The bulletin board includes a variety of needs. Examples include :
filling potholes in the parking lot
repairing broken books
spreading mulch on the playground
shelving books in the library
purchasing general supply items
making a batch of play dough
preparing a special snack
chaperoning a field trip.
The Board is regularly updated, with our current needs listed. Please check the board regularly and help out.
Easy Charitable Giving Options
Looking for other ways you can help Bennington Early Childhood Center?
While we used to be a part of the Amazon Smile program, the online shopping platform ended this program in February, 2023. We’ve joined a few other charitable programs that we will share soon. Most of these ways of giving are completely free to you.